
Holding Pattern

We are officially in a holding pattern. Just circling, waiting for the call. It's "next week" and we haven't heard any updates. In fact, the adoption lawyer didn't hear from the birthmother last week. We're not sure what day her appointment was, but hopefully we'll hear soon. For the time being it is business as usual.

I thought maybe, just maybe, baby Tyler would come today and he'd be able to share his birthday with his Grandpa Paynter. No such luck. There are four family birthdays in July, so we'll see how that goes.

We took the weekend and got registered for gifts. Lots of options, but we've also gotten lots of advice from friends and family, which helped. We also went to the Brewer game, cleaned the house, did a bunch of yardwork, went to church, visited my grandpa and had a date night. Saw The Hangover at the movies. Entertaining movie and I even laughed out loud a few times. Full weekend, but very productive.

Until the phone call ...

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